Alternatively a fund could be established, out of which the losses are to be paid. 或者可以建立一笔基金,从中支出损失。
The premium collected by the insurer from the insured is pooled together as a fund, and the claims of those suffering losses are paid out of this fund. 由承保人从投保人处收集的保险费作为共同基金,受损方的索赔费从此基金中支付。
Where the respective business organizations mentioned in the preceding paragraph have losses and profits, tax shall be paid on the profit remaining after the offsetting of losses against profits according to the tax rate applicable to the profit-making business organization. 前款所说的各营业机构,有盈有亏,盈亏相抵后仍有利润的,应当按有盈利的营业机构所适用的税率纳税。
Poker in which a player's losses are paid by removing an article of clothing. 一种扑克游戏,输家要脱衣服以示惩罚。
For the losses of Party A caused by the failure of Party B, the compensations claimed by Party A shall not exceed the assessment fee paid by Party A. 在认证过程中甲方因乙方责任的任何损失,其索赔的赔偿费将不得超过甲方的认证审核费;
In order to reduce downtime caused by operating losses and repair costs, attention should be paid to walk on the lower part of body maintenance and inspection. 为了降低因停机而造成的作业损失及修理费用,应重视对下部行走体的保养和检查。
In an insurance operation, float arises because premiums are received before losses are paid, an interval that sometimes extends over many years. 在一个保险运营,浮存的产生是由于保费在赔付之前支付,之间的间隔有时长达许多年。
A business organization which incurs losses shall offset losses using profits of the subsequent year of the business organization; tax shall be paid on the profit remaining after the offsetting of such losses according to the tax rate applicable to the business organization; 发生亏损的营业机构,应当以该营业机构以后度的盈利弥补其亏损,弥补亏损后仍有利润的,再按该营业机构所适用的税率纳税;
How to utilize and distribute reactive power resources rationally and scientifically, reduce and operating losses, improve power supply quality, is being paid more and more attention. 如何科学利用和优化配置配电网络的无功资源,降低运行损耗,提高供电质量,越来越受到关注和重视。
At present to allocate the network losses among transactions in electricity market the widespread attention is paid to sensitivity approach for network loss allocation because of its economic direct characteristic. 在电力市场下网损分摊问题的处理方法中,灵敏度方法由于具有经济导向作用,受到了普遍关注。